Whether you enjoy observing Shabbat on a Friday night with your congregational family or a more casual, interactive Saturday morning minyan, you can find a worship experience at Temple Emanu-El you will enjoy and find meaningful.
Family Shabbat Erev Shabbat Zoom Shabbat at Home Shabbat Morning Minyan and B’nai Mitzvah
We also frequently offer special Shabbat services:
Shabbat in Nature Rock Shabbat Ruach Shabbat Sisterhood and Brotherhood Shabbats
Please check the Temple calendar and weekly emails to find out when our special Friday night or Shabbat morning services are taking place and to register for all worship offerings.
All services that take place in the sanctuary or Temple House are live-streamed, and visual tefila lets in-person congregants follow along if they so choose, in conjunction with the use of the Mishkan Tefila prayer book.
We are happy to offer fresh Challah delivered to Temple Emanu-El every week. Please place your order by Wednesday of the week you would like Challah, and pick it up from the Temple Emanu-El office. This is a great way to enjoy Shabbat with your family & have Challah during our Zoom Shabbat Services.
Order Challah here
Shabbat Evening Services
Erev Shabbat Family Service
On the first Friday of each month during the school year (September through May), services begin at 7:00 PM in the sanctuary. The clergy are joined by our religious school classes who lead the majority of the service, and music is often provided by our Mazeltones youth choir. The May family service is dedicated to honoring the teachers of our Religious School and Preschool, who participate in the service as well. We’re proud of our students and education staff and their participation and leadership in our worship.
Erev Shabbat
On the second and third Friday evenings of each month, clergy-led services are held at 7:00 PM in the sanctuary. Special elements are often incorporated, such as “Ask the Rabbi,” a sermon and discussion, a musical program, choir or band participation, or a guest speaker.
Zoom Shabbat at Home
On the fourth Friday of each month join us from the comfort of your home via Zoom at 6:30pm for a brief Shabbat service led by the clergy! Zoom link is provided upon registration.
Fifth Friday Kabbalat Shabbat
When there is a fifth Friday in the month, services are in person at 6:30pm unless otherwise specified on the calendar.
Summer Patio Services
During the summer months (June-August), all services take place at 6:30pm on our beautiful and newly renovated inner courtyard patio. While worshiping, you will enjoy the lovely atmosphere of a California summer evening as the sun sets around us. Summer services are often followed by a potluck dinner and discussion, guest speaker or musical offering, or our annual Sha-barbeque dinner.
Shabbat Morning Services
Shabbat Morning Minyan
Several times throughout the school year, our religious school classes join the clergy to lead a Shabbat morning minyan and Torah service at 9:00am. A private learning session for the families in the grade follows, but the hour-long service and brief kiddush is open to all.
B’nai Mitzvah Services
At varying times throughout the year, our Bar, Bat, and B’ Mitzvah students assume the mantle of Jewish adulthood as they lead a Shabbat morning service: guiding the congregation in prayer, chanting Torah, and teaching about their portion. This celebratory service honors their achievements and welcomes them into the adult Jewish community. All are welcome to attend.
Special Shabbat Services
Shabbat in Nature
We celebrate Shabbat in Nature several times per year with a Shabbat morning service led by Rabbi Dana Magat and Cantor Leah Shafritz in a park or trail setting. Depending upon the location, the day may also include a potluck lunch, Torah discussion, singing, hiking, laying out at the beach, or other outdoor activities. Shabbat in Nature is sponsored by the Ritual Committee. Once a year we enjoy the Shabbat in Nature Campout for a fuller Shabbat experience. Contact the Temple office for more information.
Rock Shabbat
An innovative and joyous worship experience with musicians (piano, percussion, guitars, brass, etc.) and singers joining Cantor Leah Shafritz and Rabbi Dana Magat that combines your favorite secular tunes with Shabbat evening worship. A crowd favorite, our Beatles-themed Rock Shabbat is a particular hit. Congregational singing is definitely encouraged, as is dancing in the aisles.
Ruach Shabbat
Lift and renew your spirit (ruach) with a lively, musical Kabbalat Shabbat service featuring a smaller ensemble of our Rock Shabbat band under the direction of Cantor Shafritz. Inspired by contemporary, progressive Israeli worship and Jewish Renewal settings, join us in exploring the evening liturgy through music and making a joyful noise as we celebrate Shabbat together.
Sisterhood Shabbat
Members of Temple Emanu-El Sisterhood participate in leading an Erev Shabbat service once a year. Our women come together to lead Friday night service, chanting their favorite Hebrew blessings, and sharing special poems and readings.
Brotherhood Shabbat
Brotherhood, the men’s auxiliary at Temple Emanu-El, also leads a Shabbat service once during the year. They have adapted a liturgy created by the Men of Reform Judaism, the national organization, adding their own selection of readings.