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Oneg Sponsorship

Shabbat Shalom! Thank you for sponsoring an Oneg for Shabbat. Your donation allows for us to continually provide delicious snacks and drinks after the Shabbat Service. Onegs can be sponsored in honor of an event like a B'Nai Mitzvah or Wedding, or in memory of a loved one who's Yahrzeit is that week. 

Please have your sponsorship completed at least 24 hours before the Shabbat Service that you would like to sponsor.  If you would like to bill to account and pay later, that is an option as well. Please find that in the confirmation screen.

If you would like to bring food in place of making a financial donation, please contact us at

Enter your first name / name of sponsor
Enter your last name / name of sponsor
Please enter the date of the Friday service you would like to sponsor.
Example: in memory of name; in honor of the Bat Mitzvah of name
Enter "Other Sponsorship Amount" in the field to the right. 
Minimum $36 Donation
Sat, February 15 2025 17 Sh'vat 5785