Diaper Drive for JFS
Friday, January 24, 2025 • 24 Tevet 5785
12:00 AM - 5:00 PM 1 month afterJewish Family Services of Silicon Valley provides comprehensive support services to individuals and families in the community facing life's challenges. Many of our clients live at or below the poverty line and struggle to pay for housing, food, clothing and other essential items. Families with babies and young children need diapers and diaper wipes but find the high cost a financial burden.
Please help by donating diapers and diaper wipes. In addition to new packages/boxes of diapers and wipes, JFS will accept open packages of diapers - we know how those babies quickly outgrow diaper sizes and you're left with unused diapers in different sizes!
We are in particular need of larger diaper sizes. Drop off your donations between 1/24 and 3/16. On Friday nights and Sunday mornings, please leave donations in the Sanctuary foyer. During the week, donations will be accepted in the main office.
JFS Silicon Valley will provide you with a thank you letter for your tax purposes if you share your name, address and what you donated.
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