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We stress the values of kindness, compassion, love, forgiveness, respect, understanding and patience and we try to do this by example, through stories, discussions and role playing.  We celebrate Jewish holidays and traditions and a focal point each Friday morning is peace.  Our program and community is very inclusive and welcoming.  In addition to our regular program, we have music with Cantor on Wednesday mornings, Shabbat with Rabbi on Friday mornings, we offer optional enrichment in the afternoons during the school year for certain ages. These may include dance and tumbling (for a fee), art, science and cooking.  

Foreign Language Studies
We currently offer a Spanish Immersion TK program (in addition to our English TK Program). Starting in the 2024-2025 academic year, we are excited to offer a brand new Spanish Immersion class for our 3 year old scholars (with the option for English class as well).

Rabbi Magat joins us every Friday morning for Shabbat.  The preschoolers fully participate in songs and prayers both in English and Hebrew.  This is a very special time for all of our students and for the clergy and staff as well!!!

Jewish Holidays
Rabbi and Cantor join us to celebrate the Jewish Holidays throughout the school year.  Shabbat, shofar blowing, Shaking the Lulav and Etrog in the Sukkah, Celebrating Simchat Torah, Latke Making, Hametashen Baking, Tu b'shvat, Purim Carnival, Passover Seder and Israeli dancing are all just a part of our exciting Jewish Education.

Science Opportunities
During the afternoon we offer enrichment for our full day children.  Classes currently include Dance on Monday/Thursday, Science on Tuesdays, Art on Wednesdays and Cooking on Fridays! 

Clergy Visits
Music on Wednesday is always a favorite with Cantor.  Silly songs, holidays songs, favorite songs and new songs are all things that make our Wednesday mornings one of our favorite times of the week.

Sat, February 15 2025 17 Sh'vat 5785